Thursday 28 November 2013

It's my decision to share milestones of Tyne's life as he grows up, but obviously there are certain things that should be kept out of the public domain.

Now I have to admit that I'm not the most safety savvy of people when it comes to online sharing - just a few weeks ago  I was about to Instagram a photograph of an exciting looking stack of parcels that had arrived one morning, until Jon pointed out to me that our address was clearly visible for all to see in the photo.

I didn't think this mattered much at first thought but of course anybody who follows my public Instagram account will know that I have a lovely little baby boy at home, and just seeing that one photo will divulge exactly where that little boy lives...

All it would take is a few more simple slip ups - a photo of his bedroom and somebody could most likely figure out whereabouts in the house he sleeps - a very scary thought!, a couple of Instagrams of us out and about would reveal that nobody is home and all of those lovely parcels I Instagrammed earlier are sitting unattended at home.....

When you think about the implications of what you share online, it really is quite frightening. 

Of course I adore blogging and sharing a little bit of Tyne's life with my readers is part of that, but I feel that becoming more aware of how to protect our families privacy online is important and something that I will be giving a lot more thought to in the future.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

A few days ago, Mummy told me that we were going to Build-A-Bear in Exeter for the day to see what we thought of it!

Build-A-Bear Workshop is a place you can go to where you can make your very own teddy bear friends, buy them outfits and just have lots of fun!

When we got there, we met a lovely lady called Starla who told us all about it and explained what we would be doing.

Starla said I should look at all of the bears they had and choose which one I wanted to make.

There were so many lovely teddy bears to choose from, so I had a good cuddle of lots of them to make extra sure I chose the right one!

Santa Claus was cuddly and looked really nice, but Mummy thought I might eat his glasses....

I thought Rudolph's light up nose was extra cool!

And the brightly coloured rainbow bear was really snazzy!!

They had so many cool Christmas bears too! The Snowman was really nice!

In the end though, I decided I liked Rudolph and his flashing red nose the best of all!

Starla gave me an empty Rudolph and we set off to make him cuddly!!!

Starla said we could put sounds in Rudolph if we wanted to, we could choose from giggling and words like "I love you" - but because I love music SO much, we decided to get the Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer song!

Starla showed it to me and we had a dance to make sure I liked it!

We went to the stuffing machine, which is full of fluffy stuffing for inside the teddy bears.
The machine has lots of bright lights inside which looked really nice and I got to step on the pedal myself to stuff Rudolph!

Daddy said I did a good job!

Then I chose a heart for inside Rudolph - I could have had a scented heart or a beating heart, but I decided a normal plain heart would be best so I gave it a kiss and made a wish...then we put the heart inside Rudolph!

The nice lady stitched Rudolph up nicely, and said that if he ever opens at all I can bring him back and they will fix him again for free! 

Then we took Rudolph to the Fluffing Station where we brushed his fur and fluffed him up under the hand dryers!

Then Mummy typed up Rudolph's birth certificate - so that if he ever gets lost and somebodys hands him in to a Build A Bear shop, they will open him up and look at his tag number - then they will find our address in their computers and return him to me!!

This is me with my finished Rudolph - isn't he cool?!!

Starla put him in a box for me with a ribbon and my name on, and said I could keep him forever!

I had so much fun at Build A Bear, everybody was super nice to me, and Rudolph is my new very best friend - I have played him with lots since we got home!

We also got an outfit for Rudolph to make him look extra Christmassy! Mummy said it was cute coz it matches my onesie....Look!!!!

I had SO much fun at Build A Bear that Mummy says she's even thinking about taking me and my cousins there for my 1st Birthday party - won't that be cool?!

Bye Everybody!!

Love from Tyne ( And my new very best friend Rudolph!)


Rudolph costs just £19.00 from Build A Bear workshop, outfits are sold at an additional cost starting from £4.50.

For more information, please visit